Reese’s Treats

Any delicious homemade treats made with fresh fruits crafted with locally sourced ingredients from our partners at the Davis Farmers Market. Please contact us with inquiries on special orders! We’ve catered weddings, graduations & custom treat boxes for birthdays & holidays. Let us add that special personal touch to your gift or event.

Reese Grey Analyzes

Available on YouTube & All Streaming Platforms

Reese Grey Analyzes explores how popular culture such as movies, music and memes intersect with politics, identity and global impact. Because although we may feel small, our thoughts and actions can make a difference.

Art, media, music, & video-games, how it makes us feel ,& why it matters.

HewwoReese Gaming

In 2021, following yet another mild day of hospital administration, I collapsed onto the couch at home to zone out for a few moments watching my husband and 14-year-old brother, Benny playing Smash on the Nintendo Switch. They threw a controller at me and demanded I join in and “just have fun”. After an hour of button mashing, and chaotic screaming, Benny proposed we start recording our Game Plays to commemorate our chaos. We found ourselves building a cute little community of individuals who share our joy in imperfectly gaming together.
Check out our chaos live on Twitch & Highlights on YouTube & Content Guidebook