Johnny Manchild & The Poor Bastards

Sift Music Video Analysis & Complete Lyrical Breakdown

Posted Under: All Episodes

Hello fellow manchildren,

If you’re here, you’re probably also a fan of Johnny Manchild & the Poor Bastards. My little brother introduced me to Johnny Manchild last year, and I ended up loving their music ever since. Johnny retweeted my video via twitter saying my analysis was “Scary accurate and interesting to watch”. So clearly, I have nothing left in the world to ask for, and now I can die yearning nothing.

Follow Me on Twitter! @hewworeese_

 This music video to Johnny Manchild’s “Sift” is multi-layered and quite complex, and it’s clear the band put a lot of thought into this single’s release, as it is the only song on the album to be accompanied with a music video. Personally, I was quite moved by the band’s portrayal of “born again” culture in their music video. Religious imagery is popularly portrayed in non overtly religious works of art, and provide deep insights into an artists interpretation of faith. I believe this music video exists as a critique of the social acceptance of the “forgiveness of one’s sin”, allowing people to reinvent themselves and re-emergence into society with minimal consequences. I believe the music video’s main character exists to show us the lack of repercussions and justice that exist with born again culture. Check out my analysis below and let me know your own interpretation in the YouTube comments.


"Sift" is the first single release from Johnny Manchild's third studio album:
"We Didn't Ask For This Room".