The Intersection of Kpop & Politics

Korean Nationalism in K-pop: CL Spicy Vs Jay Park DNA Remix Review & Analysis

Posted Under: All Episodes

Though talking about the intersection of kpop and politics is typically taboo, it’s clear to see that there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to nationalism, Korea, Japan and music! Before you dive in to this particular video, I suggest checking out Jay Park's DNA Remix Music Video [Both the Original Video & The Re-Upload]. CL's Spicy Music Video!

Both of these songs being analyzed came out in August of 2021 around South Korea’s “Independence Day” (GwangBeokJeol 광복절). It’s important to note the current sociopolitical climate around Korea-Japan relations and it's effect on artistic expression. Artists are free to express themselves as they wish, and that freedom includes political statements. Regrettably most artistic expression rarely receive adequate attention, however in the event where wildly popular and world renown celebrities such as CL and Jay Park speak out about such things, they create a springboard for discussion. Usually the defensive nature of kpop stan culture doesn't allow people to have genuine and productive conversations. This fear of conversation that presently exist only works to create fear resent and contempt for whoever we deem to be "the other”. It’s important to denote that nationalism is not inherently a negative, but it does shape the lens in which we see the world, and in this case undoubtedly, how each artist represents their nationalistic pride.

Artists and creators have been both the driving forces and passive observers of social change. Using their art to either enact change or bring awareness to how the world is at their present moment. A painting, a sculpture, or a song isn’t going to hold the answers to life’s problems, but it can offer us a place to start talking. Art can give us a new way to look at historically prolific issues, and discuss un-apoloigetically how things were in the past, and how things can be better for the future.